sábado, julho 31, 2004

the Fantastic Fags


YES.. i present to the world a new band of super heros ! here to 'save' the way from their selves........ they are.... THE FANTASTIC FAGS!
YES ! whats more they each possess a different set of unique super powers! and of cos i ,myself, am one of the members...
First off...... our furry friend .......with powers that renders any living or non-living thing unable to resist poking him.......ZHIYONG ! A.K.A POKEMON ( poke the mon)
Hero Name : Pokemon
Alias : Zhiyong
Super Power : Ability to make any living or non-living thing poke him
please poke me
next we have... the amazing..the impossible..... THE INCREDIBLE STONE !..
Hero Name : The Incredible Stone
Alias : Hua Chong
Super Power : INCREDIBLE Stoning
not forgetting our very own.... MR FURIOUS ! rARRRRRRRR! in 2 diff costumes !
Hero Name : Mr. Furious
Alias : Gerrad
Super Power : Getting angry, banging the table , rolling over car bonnets
Hero Name : Autistic WonderKid
Alias : Darek
Super Power: Confuses everyone within a one mile radius(including self), Telling lame jokes
darr...where am i again ?
Together we fight ourselves and crime ! let all super villians know that there is NOW a new bunch of SUPER HEROS IN TOWN ! LES GO FAGS! TO THE FAG MOBILE~! rARRRR!
"imagination is more important than knowledge"

sexta-feira, julho 30, 2004

the Darek Theory, DT

ah yes behold ! i came up with a theory that sorta explains how nothing good in life lasts.. and as you can see in the picture below..i chose to take love as an example..(remember to refer below whenever you feel like it and THAT ITS ONLY AN EXAMPLE)

everything in life, eg emotions; wealth, starts with a steep upward sloping curve..signifying an increase..you start from zero and it will continue to increase till it hits a 'peak'

The Darek Theory, DT

after hiting the 'peak' everything from there on will continue in a downward spiral of doom ..it will eventually freefall till you might even start to drop below postive, using love as example thats where dislike starts to set in...

but like all humans we'll eventually get over it...somehow life goes on.. yada yada.. and we go back to neutral again....

"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts"

quarta-feira, julho 28, 2004

where ho where ?

where ho where can my body be ?
i can't seem to find it anywhere...(''.) (.'') ('.')
my body lies over the ocean,
my body lies over the sea ,
my body lies over the ocean,

"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z . Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut"
- albert einstein

segunda-feira, julho 26, 2004

stuff to do before / if i die

mm are you doos out there like me ? do you keep a simple list of stuff you wanna do before(if) you die ? well i've tried my best to hit a list of 10 things... barely managed to do it...but here goes (their not in any particular order):

1. visit egypt man...
2. go catch at least one of johnny's concerts
3. thank my friends, i mean assholes and of course my mom and dad
4. see cantona, peter and roy ( at least once in person !)
5. play iris with the chums...
6. get stranded in a desert(anyone will do man) and rescued later (alive..darr...) 
7. complete my collection of comics
8. watch all the spiderman movies
9. discover at least one of life's great mysteries man...( etc atlantis, aliens , girls)
10. visit my grandmother...where ever she is now...

i know its not much.....but i'll be happy if i could hit em all.. well you know what they say...he who laugh at other's dreams either think very little of his own dreams..or have none at all... christians...*huff*...

"idols are for people who have no dreams and aspirations and are people who end up chasing the dreams of their idols..."
- heard it somewhere ( give and take some words)

quarta-feira, julho 21, 2004

friend ? enemy ? FRENEMY ?!



no its not an official word... its is a combination of the word 'friend' & 'enemy'... well im sure you know what a friend or an enemy is..but to sum it up, a friend stands on one side of the fence while an enemy on the other side, a frenemy however sits on the fence... yes you know what i mean..

you just dunno whether to love him or kill him...cos one min hes nice ..the next hes getting you in shit...and by shit i mean bad bad really bad shit.. not bad bad shit..u know...shit..*huff*...

and just so you know... yes i got in 'shit' on tuesday.. and im still slapping my forehead over it... believe me it wasn't pretty.. but she was and is...

"with friends like these... who needs enemies......"


YES. YES! YES? YES! ah yes i finally got her! today ! meet my latest baby... my precious.. YES MY ONE AND ONLY ........TA DAAA HEEE HEHEEEE HEEEHHEHEHEH
mm as with the norm...i usually name my precious stuff after some of my favourite females name... meet..... donna ! yes folks , in random order, sasha ,donna and iris are my top 3 favourite females names....and of course..i have my reasons as to why their my fav names but anyhow see her specs here ! HEHEHEHEEE HEEEHEHE ARE U HAPPY ? YEA I AM !!..
"Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length"
- Robert Frost
ah yes... how true, most if not all kinds of happiness are estactic, yet short lived...
"As Happiness is Darek-shaped, i'd like to buy the world a Darek !"

terça-feira, julho 20, 2004

iris and sasha

ah yes... i found this bit interesting while i was conversing with my good friend h.c
h.c : haha.. one year older, one year wiser... so what have u learnt ?
me: nothing !
to which at this point we both bursted out laughing...
mm guess it really says alot huh....humans.. you can learn something and yet not learn anything about it at all... ho well... time to introduce you my babies iris & sasha !
sasha & iris
ah yes the guitar with wood feel on the left is sasha, my second baby, an ibanez roadster II..made in 1982, yes shes older than me so go figure... she was given to me by a cool guy called uncle paul.. thanks again uncle paul !
while the guitar on the right is iris !, my first baby, she happens to be an ibanez as well....she a rg-270 i think..im getting old man.. well anyhow shes made in 2003..so what that does make me ?
'Six stages of life : Spills - Drills - Thrills - Bills - Ills - Wills'
spill = when your born
drills = learning, like your abcs
thrills = teenagers , wasting your life away seeking thrills
bills = when your adult like, working to pay bills
ills = when your old man...
wills = sighz, the part some can't wait to get too and some can wait to get too..when your dying..

domingo, julho 18, 2004


is it just me or somehow almost all the words here turned pink..
what the hell man...

sexta-feira, julho 16, 2004


and yes schools a bore...

quarta-feira, julho 14, 2004

think about it

"Religion is the opiate of the masses." -- Karl Marx

"Winners don't do drugs." -- The FBI

well think about it....

quinta-feira, julho 01, 2004

mood disorders

Most likely, if you are searching for information about suicide, you will want to know about mood disorders that may cause thinking about suicide as a legitimate solution. But, keep in mind, that everyone has thought about killing themselves at one point or another or has thought about injuring themselves in some way. So, please, do not think that you have some crazy problem if you have considered it once without too much seriousness.

Please keep in mind that these are pretty short summaries here and are not complete in any sense of the word. If you want complete information on these disorders, I reccommend you seek the educated knowledge of a professional. I am not a psychologist, sociologist, or a psychiatrist.


This is one of the most misunderstood disorders, yet the most commonly used in everyday language. Depression is not an emotional state. You are not depressed if you are feeling sad one day and then better the next. Depression is a complex disorder, which has symptoms that persist for at least two weeks and also interferes with regular functions in your life. Such symptoms are as follows:
No longer taking good care of him/herself (not bathing, hair & room unkept)
Not eating properly (losing lots of weight or gaining it)
Drinking alcohol or using other drugs
Fighting or crying excessively(loss of control over emotions
Neglecting schoolwork, failing to attend class
Spending less time with others and more time in solitude (withdrawal)
Feelings of sadness or irritability and personality changes that last more than two weeks
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Lack of energy (lethargy)
Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness that last more than two weeks

Now, everyone has felt a difficulty in making decisions, had a hard time concentrating, and has felt a bit lethargic, but that does not mean that you are depressed. You, or someone else, is only depressed if these symptoms persist for more than two weeks and show a definitely negative effect on that individual's everyday activities. Such that, one would not have the ability to get up and attend school because they have just so much little faith in the world (perhaps a signal of another disorder as well), that this person could not will themselves to get out of bed and go to school. They are just so deeply depressed that there is no getting them out of bed.

Bipolar Disorder

Now, there are two forms of Bipolar Disorder; Bipolar Disorder I and Bipolar Disorder II. They both show differences, but are far more similar than different. Here are some statistics associated with Bipolar Disoder.

- it affects 1/70 people, a lot more than you would have estimated, I bet

- affected people are at a higher risk for physical problems, alcohol/substance abuse, and suicide

- burden themselves with guilt and self-blame because they feel they have weak character

To psychiatrists and psychologists, it is a set of symptoms presented in episodes that have a beginning (a stage where the symptoms are at their worse/peak) and a recovery phase (where the symptoms are beginning to dissipate and the next ones are beginning to form).

Bipolar disorder is:
extreme mood swings - manic highs and severe depressions
called a mood disorder because it affects a person's experiences of emotion and effect (conveying of emotions)
called bipolar because of the two 'poles'; one very high and one very low
the manic (high) state shows:
elated/euphoric mood (excessive happiness)
irritable mood (excessive anger or touchiness)
decreased need for sleep
grandiosity/inflated sense of self and abilities
increased talkativeness
racing/jumping thoughts
increased activity/energy levels
changes in thinking, attention, and perception
impulsive/reckless behaviour
the depressed (low) state shows:
sadness, 'blueness', 'down in the dumps' feeling
loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
losses/gains in weight and appetite
difficulty thinking
feelings of guilt/badness
difficulty concentrating/making decisions
suicidal thoughts
the manic and depressive states last from days to months
40% don't alternate between the states, but have them together, which are called mixed episodes
many people accelerate into the manic episodes:
numerous ideas
need less and less sleep
giddy/mildly irritable
full-blown mania
impulsive behaviour (spending sprees)
frenetic periods of activity
mental confusion
delusions (irrational beliefs)
hallucinations (seeing/hearing things)
severe anxiety
spiral into depression gradually, although stages not as clear-cut
can arise while otherwise feeling well
develop on top of ongoing, milder depression called 'dysthymias'
in-between episodes can sometimes be symptom-free
others have 'left-over' symptoms from the previous episode
sleep disturbance
dysthmic/hypomania disorders
0.8 - 1.6% have Bipolar I
extreme depression to extreme mania
0.5% have Bipolar II
extreme depression to hypomania (milder mania)
first onset from the ages of 15 - 19 years
usually treated with:
mood stabilizers (lithium carbonate, Tegretol, Depakote)
antidepressants (Paxil, Wellbutrin)

for more info click

how many symptoms do you have or think you have ?

try taking this
'depression test' and see how you fare...personally i got 36..i have no idea how man...

"The biggest weakness of all is not knowing your weaknesses"

the 11 satanic rules

ah yes here are the basic rules of satanism. I see absolutely nothing 'wrong' or 'cruel' in any of this. I mean, just look at rule number 9. I guess that shocks the typical person's mind that satanists are not some evil hellspawn creatures. I just think that satanists are totally misunderstood and the persecution they're getting from the general public is absolutely ridiculous. I mean, it was the christians who burned witches at the stake, not satanists.

1 Do not give opinion or advice unless you are asked.

2 Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3 When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4 If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5 Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6 Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7 Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8 Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9 Do not harm little children.

10 Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food.

11 When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are copyright Anton Szander LaVey, 1967.

"The narrow use of the term "Satanism" to mean only the worship of a devil deity misses the more robust and complex nuanced development of the word over the past 33 years or so. Perhaps considering it through the above contexts will help to understand the broader definition. Or perhaps the stupid and narrow-minded will continue to fail to grasp the concept."