terça-feira, julho 20, 2004

iris and sasha

ah yes... i found this bit interesting while i was conversing with my good friend h.c
h.c : haha.. one year older, one year wiser... so what have u learnt ?
me: nothing !
to which at this point we both bursted out laughing...
mm guess it really says alot huh....humans.. you can learn something and yet not learn anything about it at all... ho well... time to introduce you my babies iris & sasha !
sasha & iris
ah yes the guitar with wood feel on the left is sasha, my second baby, an ibanez roadster II..made in 1982, yes shes older than me so go figure... she was given to me by a cool guy called uncle paul.. thanks again uncle paul !
while the guitar on the right is iris !, my first baby, she happens to be an ibanez as well....she a rg-270 i think..im getting old man.. well anyhow shes made in 2003..so what that does make me ?
'Six stages of life : Spills - Drills - Thrills - Bills - Ills - Wills'
spill = when your born
drills = learning, like your abcs
thrills = teenagers , wasting your life away seeking thrills
bills = when your adult like, working to pay bills
ills = when your old man...
wills = sighz, the part some can't wait to get too and some can wait to get too..when your dying..