quinta-feira, julho 01, 2004

mood disorders

Most likely, if you are searching for information about suicide, you will want to know about mood disorders that may cause thinking about suicide as a legitimate solution. But, keep in mind, that everyone has thought about killing themselves at one point or another or has thought about injuring themselves in some way. So, please, do not think that you have some crazy problem if you have considered it once without too much seriousness.

Please keep in mind that these are pretty short summaries here and are not complete in any sense of the word. If you want complete information on these disorders, I reccommend you seek the educated knowledge of a professional. I am not a psychologist, sociologist, or a psychiatrist.


This is one of the most misunderstood disorders, yet the most commonly used in everyday language. Depression is not an emotional state. You are not depressed if you are feeling sad one day and then better the next. Depression is a complex disorder, which has symptoms that persist for at least two weeks and also interferes with regular functions in your life. Such symptoms are as follows:
No longer taking good care of him/herself (not bathing, hair & room unkept)
Not eating properly (losing lots of weight or gaining it)
Drinking alcohol or using other drugs
Fighting or crying excessively(loss of control over emotions
Neglecting schoolwork, failing to attend class
Spending less time with others and more time in solitude (withdrawal)
Feelings of sadness or irritability and personality changes that last more than two weeks
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Lack of energy (lethargy)
Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness that last more than two weeks

Now, everyone has felt a difficulty in making decisions, had a hard time concentrating, and has felt a bit lethargic, but that does not mean that you are depressed. You, or someone else, is only depressed if these symptoms persist for more than two weeks and show a definitely negative effect on that individual's everyday activities. Such that, one would not have the ability to get up and attend school because they have just so much little faith in the world (perhaps a signal of another disorder as well), that this person could not will themselves to get out of bed and go to school. They are just so deeply depressed that there is no getting them out of bed.

Bipolar Disorder

Now, there are two forms of Bipolar Disorder; Bipolar Disorder I and Bipolar Disorder II. They both show differences, but are far more similar than different. Here are some statistics associated with Bipolar Disoder.

- it affects 1/70 people, a lot more than you would have estimated, I bet

- affected people are at a higher risk for physical problems, alcohol/substance abuse, and suicide

- burden themselves with guilt and self-blame because they feel they have weak character

To psychiatrists and psychologists, it is a set of symptoms presented in episodes that have a beginning (a stage where the symptoms are at their worse/peak) and a recovery phase (where the symptoms are beginning to dissipate and the next ones are beginning to form).

Bipolar disorder is:
extreme mood swings - manic highs and severe depressions
called a mood disorder because it affects a person's experiences of emotion and effect (conveying of emotions)
called bipolar because of the two 'poles'; one very high and one very low
the manic (high) state shows:
elated/euphoric mood (excessive happiness)
irritable mood (excessive anger or touchiness)
decreased need for sleep
grandiosity/inflated sense of self and abilities
increased talkativeness
racing/jumping thoughts
increased activity/energy levels
changes in thinking, attention, and perception
impulsive/reckless behaviour
the depressed (low) state shows:
sadness, 'blueness', 'down in the dumps' feeling
loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
losses/gains in weight and appetite
difficulty thinking
feelings of guilt/badness
difficulty concentrating/making decisions
suicidal thoughts
the manic and depressive states last from days to months
40% don't alternate between the states, but have them together, which are called mixed episodes
many people accelerate into the manic episodes:
numerous ideas
need less and less sleep
giddy/mildly irritable
full-blown mania
impulsive behaviour (spending sprees)
frenetic periods of activity
mental confusion
delusions (irrational beliefs)
hallucinations (seeing/hearing things)
severe anxiety
spiral into depression gradually, although stages not as clear-cut
can arise while otherwise feeling well
develop on top of ongoing, milder depression called 'dysthymias'
in-between episodes can sometimes be symptom-free
others have 'left-over' symptoms from the previous episode
sleep disturbance
dysthmic/hypomania disorders
0.8 - 1.6% have Bipolar I
extreme depression to extreme mania
0.5% have Bipolar II
extreme depression to hypomania (milder mania)
first onset from the ages of 15 - 19 years
usually treated with:
mood stabilizers (lithium carbonate, Tegretol, Depakote)
antidepressants (Paxil, Wellbutrin)

for more info click

how many symptoms do you have or think you have ?

try taking this
'depression test' and see how you fare...personally i got 36..i have no idea how man...

"The biggest weakness of all is not knowing your weaknesses"