sexta-feira, julho 30, 2004

the Darek Theory, DT

ah yes behold ! i came up with a theory that sorta explains how nothing good in life lasts.. and as you can see in the picture below..i chose to take love as an example..(remember to refer below whenever you feel like it and THAT ITS ONLY AN EXAMPLE)

everything in life, eg emotions; wealth, starts with a steep upward sloping curve..signifying an start from zero and it will continue to increase till it hits a 'peak'

The Darek Theory, DT

after hiting the 'peak' everything from there on will continue in a downward spiral of doom will eventually freefall till you might even start to drop below postive, using love as example thats where dislike starts to set in...

but like all humans we'll eventually get over it...somehow life goes on.. yada yada.. and we go back to neutral again....

"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts"