quarta-feira, agosto 25, 2004

Splintered visions, that which once was is now lost

-you can never come home again

well im not sure who said that originally but im pretty sure he went through that feeling ... to put it simply it means that you can never go back to what things ever once was again.. like you can never go back to the day before after its over..

les take a case study for example to make it more simple..

we were friends since we met, however one incident destroyed that which once was , and unfortunately for that phrase "time heals all wounds", there was simply not enough time to heal this particular wound where splintered visions obscured our sense of clarity..

apologies were dragged when they should have been done swiftly , actions were restrained when they should have been freed..

This would prove to be an almost fatal wound that would heal too late, over a span of 3 long years..

Its not that im not glad the wound finally healed, but after the wound was patched everything..seemed..so..distant.. so.. near yet so.. far.. like scenes from a dream or an old memory, you know how sometimes like in a dream you can remember every word every scene yet when you awaken everythings gone..

I knew all that I was suppose to know yet I knew nothing at all..

familiar faces foreign feelings..

It was great seeing you again..not counting the futile attempts made on catching up with old times.. the presence of formality.. the absence of cussing.. the disappearance of warmness..

Hahaha..(mock laughter)..how I wish I could go to a place far away..back home again..

"I never saw your face and now you're gone without a trace
Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred into my eyes To fill your place
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same"

- Pain of Salvation