terça-feira, dezembro 28, 2004


i've seen all the people i wanted to see today
i've done almost all i wanted to do
i've said almost all i wanted to say
i've laughed all i wanted to

sorry if i can't go,
its never ending
never ending..

if you can't convince them, confuse them
and like a saturday night,
i'll be gone..

sexta-feira, dezembro 24, 2004

do dreams come true ?

yester-night i had this pretty disturbing dream..
it goes roughly like this..
'i enter a lift.. i take a look around and see that there are people in the lift round me
the lift feels like its going up.. but it sudden stops..
then the lift begins to darken.. so i go over and take a look at the control panel
but its jammed.. suddenly the lift starts to descent..
i take a look at the level indicator and note a double digit figure,
but i can't read the number cause it starts to blur..
i can feel the lift plunging at an increasingly increasing speed
and at the same time
i notice that the level indicator thingy is descreaing rapidly
i'm losing my balance so i try to stabilise myself,
when all of a sudden theres this great impact..'
and the dream cuts off as suddenly as it had begun

when i woke at this point..
my heart was pounding extremely fast
and it took a few mins to slow it down
during this period of time,
i was staring at the ceiling in shock realisation..
i realised.. i had witnessed my death

"A widespread old wives tale is that when you dream of your own death, you will soon die."

everybody is just figments of my imagination.

terça-feira, dezembro 21, 2004

enter.. the maze.. muahhaha of doom ! *giiggles

god my place has becomed so messy
i can't find my bed, it feels more like browns boxes heaven..

- warning -
explicit pictures of brown boxes and messy images ahead..
brace yourself.. or cover your eyes NOW!

your mission.. should you decide to accept it..
: is to recover the yellow book like object for lunch located somewhere in the mess !

the labyrinth - stage 1
:welcome, pass the doors into hell !
say your prayers!

yes thats how wide the walkway is..
one false step, and you might trip over the yellow small kid like chair of doom !
resulting in a lost of health points! rARRR!

tip101: watch where you place your hand for support !
one false placement, and an avalanche of brown boxes of doom!
a flood of brown boxes!.. of doom !

the hallway - area 2
could the book be in the kitchen ?
but the entrance is blocked of by a low lying sofa and 2 book like objects,
and a hell load of brown boxes ! ... of doom !
tip 102: to part sofa you must first read the two book like thingies.. the hoorror !
leaning brown boxes.. of doom!

mm nothing edible.. i meant : no sign of objective sir ! whatever it is sir !
nope nothing there

more brown boxes of... heheehee yup!.. DOOM ! rARRR!
more brown boxes.. duh.. of doom.. duh..

the room - section (3-2-1)+3/1
mm where art thy brown boxes ? ... OF DOOM !
woo ! book like thingy spotted ! we now have lunch ! les get outta eere !
brown boxes.. of doom ?

tip 103(yea so what if i added 100 to the no. of tips): when you have lunch in hand.. RNU ~!
lunch ! so near yet so far..

kao.. my right eyes still twitching
i think someone casted a hex upon me

life is a car wash.. and i'm on a bicycle.

segunda-feira, dezembro 13, 2004

this is good

To do is to be [Descartes]. To be is to do [Voltaire]. Do be do be do [Frank Sinatra].


tee hee hee : D

love is..

well today i was heading down to malaysia,

but first,
you know those passport booths thingy
where you have to wind down your window
and pass em your passport ?

yes, no, maybe, whatever, you don't care ?

we were at the booth
so my dad was trying to wind down the window
and my mom heard the clicking sound
so on hearing the sound, without looking,
she takes the passports from the bag
and 'smack' into the window,
thinking that my dad had opened it

everyone had a good laugh bout it
i'm sure you can imagine..

i realise that love is all the lil things,
the bits all add up,
so when 'they' complain with either
its not what you did, its you haven't done..
its not what you didn't do, its what you did..
its time for you to kick yourself in the ass
for not realising what you should have realised

love is all the lil bits and the big bits..
doesn't that makes everything ?
shit i'm back at square one..

love is like a merry little elf who dances a jig,
then turns on you with a machine gun


"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."

domingo, dezembro 12, 2004

don't drink darek

i haven't been consuming alcohol for a while

these are pretty good reasons man..

dam thats scary..

this picture should be deemed satanic..
warning: satanic..

to go with the drinking theme:

i'm not as think as you drunk i am.

you're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.

booze may not be the answer, but it helps you forget the question.

Drink wet cement - get stoned.

i don't have a drinking problem. i drink. i get drunk. i fall down.
No problem.

reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency.

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

i drink to make other people interesting.

i like those at the near the end..

i'm running out of time..

i know i don't have a lot of time left..
i've included two countdown timers on my side column
to remind myself about two separate occasions,
one concerns my sight while
the other concerns my ,
how much time i have left..

its very depressing... how humans often take what they have for granted
i believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye to it..
time, love are amongst the things that are important
yet are often taken for granted
i don't know why humans are like that..
i'm one of them..

recently i've been discovering cuts
on my thighs,
their pretty straight lines
as though they were knife made
i wonder how..
no, their not self inflicted -_-

what you don't know
you can feel it somehow

quinta-feira, dezembro 02, 2004

why air accidents occur

i realise i haven't posted anything stupid in a while

soo heres an appettiser,

ah yes
and they say
a pictures worth a thousand words

'ahhhh' is only a single word

kanadeebu. blank. says:
i mean u send me but im like woah. but i dunno wat to say

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:
i dunno what you just said

what you don't have you don't need it now