quinta-feira, dezembro 02, 2004

why air accidents occur

i realise i haven't posted anything stupid in a while

soo heres an appettiser,

ah yes
and they say
a pictures worth a thousand words

'ahhhh' is only a single word

kanadeebu. blank. says:
i mean u send me but im like woah. but i dunno wat to say

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:
i dunno what you just said

what you don't have you don't need it now


Blogger Darek said...

hey thanks!, they say cancerians have good taste
both you and me eh ; )

sure, go on ahead

nice title,
"Stuff that nobody cares about but reads anyway"
eee i'm half female

7:18 da manhã  

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