terça-feira, novembro 30, 2004

mm ?

i think i hear something,
i think its saying,


you don't know how lovely you are...

serious man !

yes i understand now,
why you seem serious that is,

yes, you
don't need to furrow your eyebrows,
tilt your head a lil to the side and go 'hmm'
or look around

its cause... you lack sleep !

smiling ?

haha yea its true
i understand

happy tots,
sweet dreams

you can't let go of something you never had



no chalet.

anyhow we, 6 of us,
had a makeshift 'chalet' at alvin's house
from the 27th till the 30th, which is today

i slept less than what, 15 hours ?
to make it sound more impressive,
24 x 4 = 96
96 - 15 = 81
wooo 81 hours

least you know if you got troubles
theres someone to call

anyhow, it at one point it got dam stupid
cause there was always one person missing or spoiling
and all those four playered gambling games couldn't be played
there was a point three of us
started playing a game i invented called 'oracle poker'
whereby you ask me a question
and i'll answer by playing poker
it was pretty interesting and damn funny,
whats with you and ladyboys, haha

at one point of time we got soo dam desperate we played majhong
with three human players and a bag of chips
it was damn funny haha, everytime the bag of chips was 'banker'
we deemed it as an auto lost,
and we finished our non-human player in 'one wind' in majhonglogical terms
one time we got soo dam lazy
during this majhong period,
my friend and i got the third player to filp all our cards for us
and the third player ended up 'self touching' himself, go figure
dam funny

i hope the spoiler didn't delete the pictures i took

genuine goodness is threatening those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum

sábado, novembro 27, 2004

all i have.. are my pictures of you..

i've been looking so long
at these pictures of you
that i almost believe that they're real
i've been living so long with my pictures of you
that i almost believe that
the pictures are all i can feel

remembering you
standing quiet in the rain
as i ran to your heart to be near
and we kissed as the sky fell in
holding you close
how i always held close in your fear

remembering you
running soft through the night
you were bigger brighter and
whiter than snow

screamed at the make-believe
screamed at the sky and you finally found
all your courage
to let it all go

remembering you
fallen into my arms
crying for the death of you heart
you were stone white so delicate
so lost in the cold
you were always so lost in the dark

remembering you
how you used to be
so drowned you were angels
so much more than everything
hold for the last time
then slip away quietly
open my eyes but i never see anything

if only i'd thought of the right words
i could have held onto your heart
if only i'd thought of the right words
i wouldn't be breaking apart
all my pictures of you

looking so long at these pictures of you
i never hold onto your heart
looking so long for the words to be true
but your always just breaking apart
my pictures of you

there is nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to feel you deep in my heart
there was nothing in the world
that i ever wanted more
than to never feel the breaking apart
all my pictures of you..

great song,
yes i appreciate things beyond face value
no i'm not some metal junkie -_-

songs on the sidebar, go listen to it

songs pretty self explainatory,
poor chap

i can't control the rain that keeps falling..


you... strange as angels
you... dancing in the deepest oceans
you... twisting in the water
you... just like a dream
you... soft and only
you... lost and lonely
you... just like heaven..

whisper to me what i need to know
and i promise you,
i promise that i'll run away with you
i'll run away with you...

what time issit ?

mm whens the right time ?
for theres a special timing for every moment

however that timing does not always neccesarily come,
one could spend an entire life-time waiting for its appearance,
only to witness its mis-appearance

and as such,
the greatest secrets are often lost with time..

or rather, a lack of it

or i could be an idiot and go
'isn't time, time? if you want the right time its dinner time'
or err 'tiger time ?'

i wish i knew what the right time is,
being human isn't easy,
cos theres so many rules and emotions and all

to everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heavens

did you say fry day ?!

mm fryings good so long as its food...

few more hours to the 'makeshift' chalet,
such disappointment
guess it was not meant to be, stupid balloting,
now i have shelf what i wanted to...

mm my parents don't seem to be coming back,
i think a year has passed awready,
cos i've grown a beard,
christmas is coming,
there are shirts in my holes
and my stash of food is at critical level..


lest they left me the house,
well when i run out of cash i'll start selling the stuff in my house,

im dreaming im eating some nice lamb chops-

tomorrow, i may not see
nows the time,
the next sunrise maybe too late

quinta-feira, novembro 25, 2004

don't want the world to see me...

i'm so beautifully flawed
i'm so human..

i can't fight the tears that aren't coming
or the moment of truth in my lies

that picture by the side bar
is how i appear to most people
no im not crying -_-

this is who i am..
so beautifully flawed

whens day ?

duhhh, what ?
outtasight man, i lost my calender dude

mm, did you know 3 bucks can get you 5 plain pratas ?

no ?

now you do !

imagine eating 5 plain sugar and curry coated pratas..
its suicidal..

im thinking i shot myself in the foot

pictures on my wall are just waiting there to fall

quarta-feira, novembro 24, 2004

err wait, lemme think bout it

you know,
if considering the feelings of everyone involved
before taking any action
makes you seem indecisive,

i'll gladly look indecisive.

i hope you understand why i don't appear firm,
i just don't want anyone to get hurt

here i am, built a house upon sand
and i know i've been slipping away
slipping away too fast

day two, or issit three ? err four ?

i seem to have lost track of the days going by,
i feel like a shipwreck sailor surviving on rations
always deciding between
'rushed cooking and slow cooking'..

lesson, never go to the market in the evening,
reason, all the good meats taken -_-


im the person your mother warned you about

segunda-feira, novembro 22, 2004

thats nice

on my self-dismantling window,

b ooger says:
looks like my prediction almost came true

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:
what prediction ?

b ooger says:
the prediction that u would be the first one to die

i believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned - darek says:

if I am
only here to watch you as you suffer
I will let you down..

wooo !

yea man its only day one and guess what ?

yepp my window fell off

apparently the screws were rusted, and when bringing in the laundry
the whole thing came apart

coool man


If I am
another waste of everything you dreamed of
I will let you down..

domingo, novembro 21, 2004


woo hoo, home alone for a week
no parents
no family members
no nothing !

yeaaa, and now to make it seem bloody ironic,
the first thing i'll do isssss


to tell or not to tell ?
that is problem

domingo, novembro 14, 2004

priceless, was that the sound of my hearting breaking ?

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her,
which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend.
This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way.
This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying,
You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you.
We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants.
But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic.
And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you.
In fact, we will never hire you.
But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

ahh, *smaasshhh*, is everything clearer now ? ; )

kill me while i still believe that you were meant for me-

priceless, playing with fire

at my school.. the cop from DARE passed around 3 joints to show everyone...
and he said
"if i dont get all three of these back this schools getting locked down
and everyones getting searched till i find it.."
and like 30 minutes later when everyone got to see 'em and they got passed back the cop had 4

mm playing with fire, provoking a cop...itching to get burnt, cool..

may a sickness come and set me free -

priceless, a 'polite' arguement

Eurakarte: RETORT

mm so this is a civilised arguement

and if its healthier to leave you be-

priceless, why potatoes are better than roses

IronChef Foicite: well, there's a lot of reasons
IronChef Foicite: i mean, roses only last like a couple weeks
IronChef Foicite: and that's if you leave them in water
IronChef Foicite: and they really only exist to be pretty
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying
IronChef Foicite: "my love for you is transitory and based solely on your appearance"
IronChef Foicite: but a potato!
IronChef Foicite: potatos last for fucking ever, man
IronChef Foicite: in fact, not only will they not rot, they actually grow shit even if you just leave them in the sack
IronChef Foicite: that part alone makes it a good symbol
IronChef Foicite: but there's more!
IronChef Foicite: there are so many ways to enjoy a potato! you can even make a battery with it!
IronChef Foicite: and that's like saying "i have many ways in which I show my love for you"
IronChef Foicite: and potatos may be ugly, but they're still awesome
IronChef Foicite: so that's like saying "it doesn't matter at all what you look like, I'll still love you"

yeaa, i'll send potatoes to girls next time, they have been warned !

'collect' lines to form a paragraph with help from the next few lines at the bottem -

quiet is my loudest cry
wouldn't wanna wake the eyes that make me melt inside

sábado, novembro 13, 2004


right, my mom and i were having a discussion in the midst of dinner, my dad and lil sister were there too sitting her left ,when my mom was saying to me:

mom : i've got one word to say to you, you should study hard its onl
lil sister (interrupts): mom thats twos words
dad: no, thats more than twos words already

at which my mom looked leftward gave that dam funny stonic (are you idiots?) stare

i'm finding my own words, my own little stage
my own epic drama, my own scripted page
i'll send you the rough draft, i'll seal it with tears
maybe you'll read it and i'll reappear
fom the start it was shaky and the characters rash,
a nice setting for heartache where emotions come last
all i have deep inside, to overcome this desire
are friendly intentions and fairweather smiles..

segunda-feira, novembro 08, 2004




quinta-feira, novembro 04, 2004

mind tricks

cool comic strip.. bout a poor guy, a girl, a bad guy and a stupid brother

alright.., but only for you
onlly youu

please continue to exist, im nothing without younothing without you

the girls a con artist
girls lead you on, accidentally/purposely? accidentally on purpose ?

down in the dumps
tragedy comes in threes

poor kid, hang in there
sad clown

it shatters like glassmy heart is fragile

dam, but i still like youno matter what
