sábado, novembro 13, 2004


right, my mom and i were having a discussion in the midst of dinner, my dad and lil sister were there too sitting her left ,when my mom was saying to me:

mom : i've got one word to say to you, you should study hard its onl
lil sister (interrupts): mom thats twos words
dad: no, thats more than twos words already

at which my mom looked leftward gave that dam funny stonic (are you idiots?) stare

i'm finding my own words, my own little stage
my own epic drama, my own scripted page
i'll send you the rough draft, i'll seal it with tears
maybe you'll read it and i'll reappear
fom the start it was shaky and the characters rash,
a nice setting for heartache where emotions come last
all i have deep inside, to overcome this desire
are friendly intentions and fairweather smiles..