quarta-feira, junho 30, 2004

friends huh

mm recently someone told me that sometimes he doesn't feel close to his friends anymore... so me being nosy decided to ask on...

darek : so why do you say that ?

someone : i don't know..

darek : right... mm so what happened recently to make u go that way ?

someone : well..recently my friends went to catch a movie without asking me along.. worst still my friend called me up and told me to book tickets for him at the cinema i was working at.. during the timeslot im working...

darek : mm.. and their ur close friends ?

someone : ya.. sometimes i don't feel close to them anymore..

darek : how close are u to them ?

someone : quite close..i guess

darek : and they to u ?

someone : same...*shrugs* i don't know..

darek : then what do u guys usually talk about ?

someone : i dunno.. he likes cars but i don't....anime ? (japanese cartoons)

so basically it went like that and left me thinking... probably their topics dried out and they got bored of each other ? or maybe he did something without realising what he did? or was it something he said... but then again these are just assumptions...

another thing on friends... sometimes i think they should learn to accept you for who you are and try not to make you their version of what a friend should be... its stupid and pissing.. if i am that way, i am that dam way so maybe you should try to understand huh.. i like to tell someone who keeps telling me to ignore him that a person can only take so much, even worst if hes wolverine..well at least true friends stab you in the front huh...

and now for some interesting quotes..

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
-Henry Ford

how about the worse ? and did u use to make cars dude ?

Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
-Elbert Hubbard

ur name sounds sissified...i guess that sorta explains the wussy-like quote...

I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends.
-Walt Whitman

yea me too man walty ol' boy i just can't get enuff of em....

segunda-feira, junho 28, 2004

the meaning of i don't know

ah yes 'i don't know', not is it only one of the most used words in the english dictionary, its one of the more useful words too... when getting lazy or faced with a difficult question its just so dam easy to just go ''i don't know'...

some questions are easy but require long explanation like :

small kid : what is that yellow ball in the sky, how was it form ?

someone : i don't know

some questions are averaged like

small kid : why is my pants green ?

zhi yong : i don't know( or 'go ask ur mom' is good too)

some are hard:

small kid : why are u naked ?

zhi yong : i don't know

some are impossible:

small boy : why are u touching me ?

zhi yong : i don't know

well you get the idea.. its so much easier to substitute anything with 'i don't know' then to spend a 100 years explaining something to an idiot

whoever said 'ignorance is bliss' was obviously not an ignorant fool and has never tried talking to one....stupid fella....

'i don't know'
- Darek/The rest of the dam World

domingo, junho 27, 2004


sometimes i wonder what are 'friends' ? well lets check the dictionary on that, and it says:

1.A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2.A person whom one knows;an acquaintance.
3.A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4.One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.
5.Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.
6.FRIEND - Flow Regimes from International Experiments and Network Data

but then again these are probably just literal definations... but hey take nothing away from quakers man ...

is having a friend good ? or are you better off with none ? well of course most people would opt for the former, but as the grass is always greener on the otherside, its really just a matter of opinion..

mm well just to let you know heres a little history on the word 'friend' :

Word History: A friend is a lover, literally. The relationship between Latin amcus “friend” and am “I love” is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos “friend” and phile “I love.” In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb related to friend. At that time, frond, the Old English word for “friend,” was simply the present participle of the verb fron, “to love.” The Germanic root behind this verb is *fr-, which meant “to like, love, be friendly to.” Closely linked to these concepts is that of “peace,” and in fact Germanic made a noun from this root, *frithu-, meaning exactly that. Ultimately descended from this noun are the personal names Frederick, “peaceful ruler,” and Siegfried, ”victory peace.” The root also shows up in the name of the Germanic deity Frigg, the goddess of love, who lives on today in the word Friday, “day of Frigg,” from an ancient translation of Latin Veneris dis, “day of Venus.”

yea its a bit wordy, but if you read fast enough you'll get 'i love greek philo files' go figure..

a 'friend' can also mean one who entertains for another such sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection that he seeks his society aud welfare; a wellwisher; an intimate associate; sometimes, an attendant...

so basically a friend is suppose to be like a all-in-one greek pedophile, and more often than not, a friend can sometimes fail in one or more aspect.

and yes of course arguements weill arise... sometimes you 'give and take', by holding back ur witty retorts, to prevent prolong arguements . But as we are only human, more often than not we let the wrong things come outta our mouth.. and you get the drift..

well leaving you with some of my thoughts, i wonder do your friends restrict your rights on the freedom of dam speech ? do they really accept you for who are ? its like to them its always ok if others do it, but just not you... i wonder why...

and when you try to retaliate its always like 'no u listen to me, no YOU listen to me' etc etc.. its like your deprieved of all your rights and you have no god dam right to get piss, like you have to get a bloody license to get angry huh...down right irritating..and again i sometimes wonder why they behave like this.. its like they got periods or something..

"never argue with an idiot he will only drag you to his level and beat u using experience. "

sexta-feira, junho 25, 2004


mm have you ever noticed how in most movies or cartoons when the evil bad boss man guy sir has the hero at his mercy and all he has to doing is to press the goddamned button or clap his hands, whatever, and suddenly he procceeds to talk about his life ? he could go like :

Evil type fat dude : HAHAH i have u at last I KWILL U NOW @!!

*presses some button, clap his hands, or both*

and kills the damn hero... but nooo0o in the movies he has to be like:

Evil type fat dude : HAHAHAH i have u at last I KWILL U NOW #!!

Hero : i haven't got the girl yet, NOOOOOOOOO

*evil type fat dude is about to hit some button, clap his hands, or both, but withdraws...*

Evil type fat dude : but first let me tell u my life story...u know when i was 5 i...

Hero : u know u can kill me now right ?

Evil type fat dude : SILENCE ~ .... now where was i ? ah yes when i was 5 i...

*hero rolls eyes while fat dude is yapping*

you get the idea... and yes of course the hero somehow manages to escape, saves the dam day and gets the girl...

by taking the fat kid as a metaphor for individuals, it just goes to show that society isn't really listening to people anymore... more and more people gets screwed up commit some crimes kill some people etc etc... so i understand how the fat kid acutally feels... while it is irritating to watch him yapping away while the hero escapes, its that way course of all the pent up emotions and stuff like that he held back ever since he was molested, abused, whatever as a kid and like a current without an outlet, one day he'll try to blow up the whole house( that explains why so many villians wanna destroy the world, its always do something to the dam world)...

one more thing, the bad thing is how when he decides to blow up, he gets so caught up with his blowing up, he doesn't notice how the hero is blowing away...that really blows man...

when asked what marilyn manson had to say to the disturbed kids of the world today (err give and take some replaced words...):

"i won't say anything to them... instead i'll listen to what they have to say, because nobody else may"

yes hes not some dumb satanist u misguided fools...

quinta-feira, junho 24, 2004

some lame stuff

haha a friend of mine, gerrad, pass me links to some edited gi.joe clips its extremely lame and watching a few of them acutally lowered my i.q..

heres the site for all of them:

this one lowered my intelligence, or whats left of it, greatly...

summary : a burping contest, a kid and a guy who refuses to acknowledge victory

haha this one below is a winner, just see the look on his face at the end

summary: 2 dumb kids, pork chops and a hungry dude

quarta-feira, junho 23, 2004

Playing with Pronunciation

Did you know if u say blog fast enough u get dog? cool huh ? 'blog-blog-bloc-block-lock-loc-dog' there you go.. have fun..

"I'm at sixes and sevens in the shade of thy heavens"
- Morten Veland


At Sixes and Sevens

Sirenia is a pretty good gothic band with singer/songwriter/lead : Morten Veland as their main feature. The songs are very intense and the atmosphere changes frequently. The lyrics are based on reflections on life, death, love, hate, and mental decline in general. If you should like gothic music this one band you need to check out.

Basically 'at Sixes and Sevens' is what the british call 'going crazy' so yea..

heres some samples taken from their album
At Sixes and Sevens

Manic Aeon

"Strangers haunt me down
Stalking faces all around
This strange voice at my door
cede my reason like before "

and from Lethargica

"Lethargic sleeper - devote your life
Diverted dreamer - give in on tonight
Wake now sister for times to come
In a run towards the
And like all the others, you're lost in life"

mm nice lyrics and interesting words but it does kind of makes u wonder what these people think of in their free time huh... could it be about candy or teddybears ?...

terça-feira, junho 22, 2004


Disclaimer: We are happy to inform you that should your i.q level decrease we are not liable for any sort of compensation whatsoever. Its just your fault you did not heed the above warning, failing which your already dumb then the less said the better. As everything on this site is fictitious, ANY resemblance between the people on THIS site and real KIDS living out there or in graves are purely coincidental.