domingo, outubro 24, 2004

im not of your kind

follow the pictures man, most of them are self explanatory


heres me trying it

i did it in the opposing direction
my mouth is missing

trying on some faces.. somehow i can't look fierce, even if my life depended on it

posing for ninja weekly, mugshot style

dam my hairs not combed and our swords got stolen -_-
nooo my hairs not combed

look at me, i'm not one of your kind
keep on railing at what I believe
call me insane, I am proud to be
i'll continue walking the other way

quinta-feira, outubro 21, 2004

sometimes it hurts to be so isolated...does it not..

Angel of Protection.

What kind of Angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i could hold a masquerade
to show you im not crying
but I can let my tears run away
to show you I'm as weak as a child..

cute girl


my judgement is clouded
i'll probably see much clearer
when im blind...

"i fear not my enemies, but of myself"
- somehow life continues

segunda-feira, outubro 18, 2004

darek you have... perculiar friends..

mm had this conversation with an old friend.. thought i put it up to deter youths from doing bad things however FUN they are, not seem... i put are.., its about my friend and a sorta summary of his past.. hahaa

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
we are not so lucky like u guys nowsday

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
we lucky ?

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
since young we learn alots of bad stuff

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
ah i see..

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
when we are young we dun not have these type of entertainment u know

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
my cousin was a gangste

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
we used to hang ard with him when we was young.. ard 12-19

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
we go for gang fight etc..

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
do u know.. last time my cousin house .. full of weapons

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
got 3 parangs,.. baseball bat

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
like some weapon shop..

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
all sorts of funny stuff

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
ya lo

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
hooks = wong fei hong

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
everytime.. got prob.. go his house take barang barang

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
the hook.. like eh how to tell u

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
wah like that must have been dam funny

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
always runnign to his house take weapons

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
in school sure carry a panknife

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
ya lo

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
my couisn house weapon shop lol

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
then comb ar. all the sharp edges

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
then play with fire crackers

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
all the illegal stuffs

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
anyway that was my past..

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
anything sharp use as weapon

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
after sec...

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
in fact ..

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
its after.. i went in poly

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
.. then when he was in jail

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
then my life changes

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
no more place to run to for weapons ?

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
err i mean you realise what is going on ?

zen wanna learn some musical instrument.. says:
now he is a father of one.. tone down alots.. not the gangster cousin i used to know

it is always easier to think back and reflect
than to go through creating the act
- yes me -_-

domingo, outubro 17, 2004

for my misdeeds, i bled silver blood

You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent.
"And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
inside and bled silver blood.. For her
misdeed, the world knew evil."

Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
(Christian) and Pandora (Greek).The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
innocence, the number 3, and the element of
water.Her sign is the twilight sun.
As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
individual. You are drawn to new things and
become fascinated with ideas you've never come
in contact with before. Some people may say
you are too nosey, but it's only because you
like getting to the bottom of things and
solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
have because they are inquisitive.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2004

layered discussion

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
layered discussion

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
i wonder how political meetings would look like in layers.

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
i bet they go something like

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
today we're here to discuss complex matters about complex situations in complex circumstances in this complex world and hope we can come up with not so complex solutions to solve these complex matters in complex situations out of complex circumstances in this dam complex world

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
thats a lot of complexes

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
and after that. society will discuss about all the complexities that politics has complexd and the complxities within politics and later politics will discuss about the complexities above their normal complexities

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
and we have earth. the world that goes round and round

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
i sually dont make much sense do i?

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:
none of us do, cause life itself is senseless

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:

kanadeebu. divert the winter's chill says:
lets go geylang

im talking to the ceiling as my life just lost all meaning says:

For everything there is a season
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

is there really a time for everything ? i don't think so..
why ? why is it human nature to love and treat that person well even if that person doesn't reciprocate, i don't know..

"There are problems in today's world that cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them"

terça-feira, outubro 05, 2004

Back to Before... i wish..., Part 1

ah yes... good ol days were we used to mess around have fun.. we would use diablo 2 as a form of 'catch up'.. where we also would usually discuss the days events arrange our next meetings during the game.. playing the game was a form of bonding i guess, now we don't do it anymore, im missing the laughter, the arguements,the blame shoving,the accussations etc etc ..

anyhow here are some of the pictures..
diablo is self cussing

till death do us part....not
small talk
too much talking, leads to death

raise your hands if you want candy
buncha idiots

back to before...
i wish..